I’m taking the Digital SAT! What do I need on test day?

I’m taking the Digital SAT! What do I need on test day?

Congratulations! Seriously. You have worked hard, and you should be proud of your preparation. You have done your homework, studied, learned your pacing, and practiced your strategies. True confidence comes from preparation, and you have earned that.  

I want to remind you of a couple of things:

Take care of your body as well as your mind. In the week before the test, try to have a regular wake time each morning and get eight or more hours of sleep each night. More than anything, give yourself a break on the day before the test. Friday afternoon should be spent relaxing with friends or watching your favorite show with your family. There is no cramming for this test, and giving your brain a break will pay off the next day. 

What to Prep for Test Day

You need to set up ahead of test day, so get ready a few days before.

  1. Log into Bluebook ahead of time to set up your laptop for testing.

  2. Take a screenshot of the test ticket you receive after setup and email it to yourself.

  3. Bring your photo ID, such as school ID or driver’s license.

  4. Know your College Board login and password for logging in on test day.

  5. Have a backup calculator to the Desmos calculator.

  6. Pack sharpened pencils for scratch work during the math test.

  7. To keep under your chair for breaks: phone OFF, water, healthful snacks (think complex carbs and a little dark chocolate for your prefrontal cortex) 

Good luck, friends! 

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